Washington Post Assistant Managing Editor Bob Woodward testified under oath Monday in the CIA leak case that a senior administration official told him about CIA operative Valerie Plame and her position at the agency nearly a month before her identity was disclosed.Woodward has been, as Josh Marshall puts it, an aggressive commentator, not to mention an outspoken critic, of Fitzgerald’s investigation—actively working to attempt to minimize its importance to the public and repeatedly issuing opinions on a case where he was a key witness, unbeknownst, apparently, to prosecutors. He went on Larry King arguing principle on behalf of Judith Miller, and saying he’d serve some of her jail time if the judge would allow it. (Maybe he just should have been serving some jail time of his own.) But in the end, the principle he was defending is the right of an administration official to use reporters to leak classified national security information as retribution with not just anonymity, but impunity.
In a more than two-hour deposition, Woodward told Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald that the official casually told him in mid-June 2003 that Plame worked as a CIA analyst on weapons of mass destruction, and that he did not believe the information to be classified or sensitive, according to a statement Woodward released yesterday.
Citing a confidentiality agreement in which the source freed Woodward to testify but would not allow him to discuss their conversations publicly, Woodward and Post editors refused to disclose the official's name or provide crucial details about the testimony…
Woodward's testimony appears to change key elements in the chronology Fitzgerald laid out in his investigation and announced when indicting Libby three weeks ago. It would make the unnamed official -- not Libby -- the first government employee to disclose Plame's CIA employment to a reporter. It would also make Woodward, who has been publicly critical of the investigation, the first reporter known to have learned about Plame from a government source.
And by the way, Scooter’s lawyers are going haywire with this, saying Fitzy didn’t have all the facts, yadda yadda yadda. (It makes no difference to perjury and obstruction charges, but nevermind.) Thanks a lot, Woodward, you sack of shit. I wonder who sold him down the river.
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