CBS’ new poll has his job approval at 35%. Cheney’s favorable rating is down to 19%. Yeesh.
And, via Political Wire, Zogby polling shows that the president no longer has majority support among any age demographic:
"After suffering what was perhaps the worst week of his administration, President Bush's job approval rating has nosedived to a historic low, settling at 39%," a new Zogby America survey shows.Two thoughts: One—all he has left is the support of his base, who would probably stand by him if he were caught on film fucking a goat, and would instantly deem goat-fucking a moral imperative for patriots. Two—what the hell did people learn about him in the last year that wasn’t patently obvious before the election?! ARGH! We tried to tell you he was an incompetent numbskull—why didn’t you listen?!
"His poor rating mirrors pessimism people feel about the direction in which the nation is headed. Just 37% said things are going in the right direction, down 8% from less than two weeks ago."
Key finding: "Respondents were sharply divided by age in their opinion of the president. Just 18% of respondents under age 25 said they think Mr. Bush is doing a good job. 44% of those 55 to 69 approved of his overall performance, while 47% of those over age 70 gave him good marks."
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