Ye Olde Enemies List III

We begin this morning with a letter from the incomparable Thesaurus Rex, who also has some good suggestions for dealing with any trolls one may acquire should the promised Enemies List ever actually go online.


Dear Mr. O'Reilly and Staff-

Please be sure and include me on your list of anti-O'Reilly and anti-Christmas blogs. I don't watch your show on a regular basis and plan to not watch it all the time in the future. I think Mr. O'Reilly is a self-important, lying, cowardly moron with deeply repressed homosexual tendencies, which is one of the reasons he is so deeply angry and has issues with women.

So, when he has a moment between phone-sex calls with his vibrator jammed up his ass, tell Bill that Thesaurus Rex said, "Your retirement is coming sooner than you think, you sleazy ass-wipe! TICK...TICK...TICK...TICK!!!"

I hope you all have a miserable Christmas and a crappy New Year.

Thesaurus Rex


The so-far complete list of bloggers requesting inclusion on Ye Olde Enemies List:

Two Glasses, Agitprop, The Defeatists, Night Bird's Fountain, ReidBlog, Daily Pepper, Thoughts from an Empty Head, The Vitriolic Monkey, Archy, The One and Only Some Watery Tart, Whatever, Me4Pres, Expostulation, the Dark Wraith at Big Brass Blog, The Disgruntled Chemist, Official Reality Check, Dictionopolis in Digitopolis, Laughing Wild, Oh Well, The Fat Lady Sings, Incomprehensible Demoralization, A Mockingbird's Medley, Adventures of the Smart Patrol, Blue Gal, Rook’s Rant, Hole in the Bucket, The Gypsy’s Caravan, Blognonymous, Thus Spake Zac, Supergee, Shorty PJs.

I’ll continue to update as requested…

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