Attention Bush Voters: He Did Not Keep You Safe

Sure, I realize that you also voted for Bush because you can't stand homosexuals, but the big reason... I'd say, the main reason you were able to ignore what was right in front of your face was good old-fashioned fear. You fell for the terror alerts, you believed there was a turbaned person hiding around the corner, ready to blow you up at any second. You fell for the constant reapeating of "9-11, 9-11, 9-11," and you really, really thought that this lifetime failure of a man could keep you safe.

Well, you know what? He blew it again.

WASHINGTON - The former Sept. 11 commission is giving Congress and the White House poor marks on protecting the U.S. against an inevitable terror attack because of their failure to enact several strong security measures.

The 10-member panel, equally divided between Republicans and Democrats, prepared to release a report Monday assessing how well their recommendations have been followed. They say the government deserves "more F's than A's" in responding to their 41 suggested changes.

Of course, I'm sure "F's" are not unusual to our "beloved" president. But when you ran your presidential campaign on keeping Americans safe, you'd better be pulling in a "C" average, buster.

"People are not paying attention," chairman Thomas Kean, a former Republican governor of New Jersey, said Sunday. "God help us if we have another attack."

Read those words, Bushies. "Former Republican." Might be a good time to consider adopting that descriptor for yourself.

Some members of the commission, whose recommendations now are promoted through a privately funded group known as the 9/11 Public Discourse Project, contended the government has been remiss by failing to act more quickly.

Kean and Hamilton urged Congress to pass spending bills that would allow police and fire to communicate across radio spectrums and to reallocate money so that Washington and New York, which have more people and symbolic landmarks, could receive more for terrorism defense.

Both bills have stalled in Congress, in part over the level of spending and turf fights over which states should get the most dollars.

And your president, the man you voted into office to protect you, has done nothing to help the process.

The commission also concluded that the Sept. 11 attack would not be the nation's last, noting that al-Qaida had tried for at least 10 years to acquire weapons of mass destruction.

And your president, the man you voted into office to protect you, has ignored the al-Qaida threat, abandoned his promise to track down the man responsible for 9-11, and thrown all of our resources, money and military into a war based on lies and manipulations in order to further line the pockets of his cronies and himself.

For all of his tough talk on terrorism, Bush has done nothing but create more terrorists, and leave America more vulnerable to them.

Sweet dreams.

(Bolds mine. Disgust is mine also. A candy-colored clown they call the cross-post... tiptoese to my room every night...)

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