Michelle Malkin is stretching the truth to support her unhinged opinions.
I know, I know... you didn't see it coming.
She's squawking on and on that the majority of deaths due to hurricane Katrina were "not African-American." As is usually the case with Malkin, this isn't exactly the truth. (No link to Malkin... I refuse. There's one from this link if you really want to experience the slime.)
Newsmax is claiming and Michelle Malkin is making a big deal that the majority of deaths in Katrina were not African American. They base this upon preliminary identifications of victims at the St Gabriel Morgue. And that is a problem. Of a total of 883 at St. Gabriels, demographics for 562 was given. The race was determined for only 514. At this point 48% were African American, 41% Caucasion. However 321 more bodies have yet to be included and the the race of 48 bodies of the 562 was stated as unknown. To make any pronouncements based upon 58% of the victims at this point is just wrong.(Scout Prime has more at the link.)
In a previous post I wrote "After going through the list of the 338 identified victims I determined that 76% were 60 years of age or older."
But note I also said this...
"As the demographic breakdown below is only for about 1/3 of the dead it seems pre-mature to draw anything from the stats. It remains to be seen if any of this will stand after all bodies are recovered and processed."
I would certainly not have concluded the victims of Katrina were 76% elderly based on ~33% nor even 58%. And it is wrong to draw any definitive conclusions on racial demographics for only 58% of the victims. It is just statistically dishonest.
Again, she blames the "Bush-bashing, tinfoil-wrapped demagoguery," (I'm amazed she didn't include "Unhinged moonbats") as is her usual technique, but this doesn't change the fact that she's playing fast and loose with statistics. As much as Malkin loves to call the left "Unhinged" and full of hate, she's been getting really blatant with her racism these days. I think it's very telling that she's expending so much energy to make the deaths of hundreds of African-Americans seem statistically insignificant and unimportant.
I think we all saw who had it the worst during that tragedy, Michelle.
And guess what? She's still a coward. Hey Michelle... when are you going to stop letting other people do your work for you and respond to your critics?
(Tip 'o the energy dome to Dependable Renegade. I'm cuckoo for cross-posts!)
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