How shameless? Via Memeorandum, I find that the odious Drudge has announced the unveiling of a new GOP video, put together by the Republican National Committee, attacking Dems on the war. It shows a white flag being waved over images of Dem leaders making “anti-war remarks.” According to Drudge, another in the endless stream of anonymous Republican strategists claims that the video will make Dems crazy, and will be “devastating” for the Democratic Party.
Here’s the thing. One of the Democratic leaders in front of whom a white flag is waved is John Kerry. Aside from the sheer temerity of an administration rife with chickenhawks waving a white flag in the face of a decorated war hero, check out what Kerry actually says in the video:
There is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, women…
Then comes the white flag.
What, exactly, is the message? That the GOP thinks American soldiers should be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night to terrorize women and children? I mean, correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought that the Iraqis were the people we were supposed to be helping. So much for “spreading freedom,” eh?
I guess the GOP has given up all pretense of construing average Iraqis as anything but our enemies. If the ad is right, and “Our soldiers are watching…and the enemy is, too,” hearing our administration’s official position is that Iraqis are not to be treated with respect, but as dangerous criminals, and anything less is cowardly, will come as quite a surprise to both of them.
The ad is certainly successful in making one party look like assholes, but it isn’t the Democrats.
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