Well, my head exploded.
No, it didn’t. Not yet, anyway. I just sat around the hospital with my mom, talking about how funny Larry David is and recounting some of my favorite episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm, because she doesn’t have HBO. (I can now add Larry David to my Lexicon of Impersonations That Make My Mom Laugh Hysterically, bringing the grand total to two—Dick Cheney being the other one.) My mom told me how she blew her Bible study group’s collective mind by pointing out the etymology of “holiday” is “holy day.” Then I got blood drawn, peed in a cup, and had an EKG. Then we had some lunch in the hospital cafeteria, and I had some mystery meat that was mysteriously delicious. Quite a day!
(For info on how the special effect pictured was done, see here.)
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