

President Bush got in a muddle when he tried to show of his new iPod.

The President was trying to show how cool he was as he showed off the music player in the Oval Office.

But he blundered when he called American Pie singer Don McLean 'Dan', says the Mirror.

And then he seemed to get confused when he tried to explain how the iPod worked.

"I get the shuffle and then I shuffle the shuffle," he told confused reporters.

Asked by a TV crew which artists he had stored in the gadget, he started reeling off names.

"The Beatles, the Beach Boys, Angels, Archies, Aretha Franklin." Then he said: "Dan McLean... remember him?"

The interviewer asked: "Dan?" Mr Bush explained: "I mean Don McLean. American Pie. What a great song."
He then choked on a pretzel, fell off his bike, and pretended to look for WMDs under his desk.

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