Nominations are open here. First of all, my deepest thanks to those who have nominated Shakespeare’s Sister—Merciless, Coturnix, Solitaire, The Fat Lady Sings, Kathy, Tas, Tart, KQ, Jurassic Pork, Cernig, R. Mildred, Maria, Madman in the Marketplace, Lizzybeth, and DBK. (Sorry if I missed anyone; if I did, please let me know in comments.) I really love this little community created by the regular writers, the guest writers, and the commenters; I love the blogwhoring and the QotDs and the discussions; I'm so glad and grateful that others do, too.
Secondly, a couple of people have asked if I would recommend individual posts that I think are some of my best, regarding the Best Post category. Here are a couple that are among my favorites: Liberals Will Save America, Scarred, The Sound of My Voice, Longing for the Rapture, Phobocrats. I’ll let Spudsy, Tart, D., and Mr. F. choose their own favorites, especially since some of them have their own blogs under which they might prefer to be nominated.
If you haven’t nominated your favorite blogs yet (and no, that’s not just an encouragement to vote for Shakes!), be sure to—even if they’ve already been nominated. Give your favorites as much attention as you can. And don’t be shy to nominate yourself if you’re a blogger; sing your own praises and let your freak flag fly!
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