Amanda’s got a great post on pharmacists who refuse to fill women’s prescriptions, which includes a link to this entry (passed on by AnneJumps) on a woman who was refused the filling of her Valtrex prescription because, according to the pharmacist who tore up her prescription, “God is punishing you for your sin.”
Uh, okay.
I’m certainly no expert on theology, but I’m fairly certain that Joe Pharmacist hasn’t been imbued with the authority to speak for the Almighty.
If I’m wrong, however, I’m curious to know if God only issues herpes as a punishment for sins of the flesh, or if he sometimes, say, strikes someone with cancer as punishment for embezzlement. And if he does, how do the pharmacists know whose prescriptions to rip up and whose to fill? Discerning divine retribution seems like it would make a pharmacist’s job immensely more difficult. No wonder I have to wait so long for prescriptions.
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