
This is a picture of a billboard spotted alongside an Atlanta highway, via Mike the Mad Biologist. Annoying enough is its deliberate misconstruing of Murtha’s position. Further annoying is the insistence on ignoring the reality about withdrawal advocates, recently well-noted by Ezra:

Withdrawal advocates believe that Iraqis, who overwhelmingly want us to leave, can build a better democracy and a stronger country without our presence. As the argument goes, by exiting, the sections of the insurgency that our Jihadist in nature will calm, leaving only separatists who'll be attacking their countrymen without the excuse of a foreign enemy. …[T]o tar withdrawal advocates as somehow anti-democracy -- particularly when every poll and every survey shows 80% of Iraqis would vote for us to leave -- is truly reprehensible.
Tarring them as “cut-and-runners” or cowards is just as bad, and, really, no different at all, since "staying the course" has been inextricably linked with patriotism.

Perhaps the most annoying thing about the billboard however is that, per Mike, “Apparently, a Republican Georgian state senator is co-owner of a billboard company and has decided to put this up”—after Ohio congresswoman Jean Schmidt had to apologize for saying the same shit on the House floor. Seriously, GOP, get a grip.

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