The Smiths are reuniting! Obviously, Mike Joyce won't be there, since relationships are a bit fraught, what with him suing his former band mates, then trying to sell unreleased Smiths material on eBay. And, as yet, there is nothing more solid than a rumor that Morrissey might turn up. But, as Billboard reveals, Johnny Marr and Andy Rourke (the bass player) are definitely reuniting! The pair will perform together in January, for the first time since 1987, at a cancer benefit in Manchester, England, with or without their enigmatic frontman. And if a two-fourths Smiths comeback isn't enough of a draw, the concert lineup also reportedly includes New Order, Doves, Badly Drawn Boy, Primal Scream's Mani and Stephen Fretwell.Heart palpitations! Sweaty palms! Serious swooning!
The thought of seeing Moz and Marr on the same stage is enough to make me faint dead away with happiness! Maybe that’s what all this light-headedness is about—a premonition that soon the boys will be back together, and will, of course, consent to a private show in my living room.
Please let it be so! Please let there be a world reunion tour! Please let me have the chance to see Marr grinding away at those soul-shaking riffs on How Soon Is Now? while Moz contorts his body and twirls the microphone cord. Oh lordy, let it be.
Many thanks to Brother Kenya for passing along what is possibly the best news ever of all time.
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