President Mandate Can’t Fill a Room

Think Progress shares a last-minute evite they received to the president’s speech yesterday for the Council on Foreign Relations, encouraging them to bring a friend—a ploy that, evidently, failed, since Bush was unable to fill the room. The WaPo reports, “Only a few hundred members showed up for the hastily organized event at a Washington hotel and empty chairs were removed from the back of the ballroom before Bush arrived.”

Oh, and it gets worse. “The audience interrupted Bush for applause only once during the speech and even then, many, if not most, did not clap. There was polite applause when he finished.” Ouch.

Bush chose a more skeptical audience yesterday in addressing the Council on Foreign Relations, a nonpartisan organization of diplomats, academics and journalists, many of whom oppose his Iraq policy.

The White House was not allowed to hang its usual slogans, such as "Plan for Victory," behind the presidential lectern. At the same time, Bush refused to honor the council tradition of taking questions from the audience, as Vice President Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and others have done.

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