Got any cool scars? (Sure you do! Everyone does!) How did you get them?
My coolest scar runs down the base of my spine, from a back surgery I had years ago. Now, the same surgery is done through a keyhole, so I'm lucky I got it when I did, or I'd never have my awesome scar. I also have a good one on my left wrist, from a psychotic cat we had when I was a kid (who was later done in by car he met while chasing a massive German Shepard across the street - a guard dog who was constantly terrorized by this nasty cat).
I've got other assorted scars here and there, but none others as impressive as the two mentioned, for which I consider myself lucky, but only because it means no serious health problems. I happen to find scars, even nasty ones, quite beautiful and interesting, and love to hear the stories behind them.
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