Snark is Impossible

...when you're reading stories like this one. (Bolds mine)

Family Upset Over Soldier's Body Arriving As Freight- Bodies Sent To Families On Commercial Airliners

Seriously. And you thought hand-stamping condolence letters to families was bad.

SAN DIEGO -- There's controversy over how the military is transporting the bodies of service members killed overseas, 10News reported.

A local family said fallen soldiers and Marines deserve better and that one would think our war heroes are being transported with dignity, care and respect. It said one would think upon arrival in their hometowns they are greeted with honor. But unfortunately, the family said that is just not the case.

Dead heroes are supposed to come home with their coffins draped with the American flag -- greeted by a color guard.

But in reality, many are arriving as freight on commercial airliners -- stuffed in the belly of a plane with suitcases and other cargo.

Holy hopping Jesus Christ.

I took two flights this weekend. I wonder if there were any bodies of soldiers in the cargo hold?

Jesus Christ.

The bodies of dead service members arrive at Dover Air Force Base.

From that point, they are sent to their families on commercial airliners.

Reporters from 10News called the Defense Department for an explanation. A representative said she did not know why this is happening.

They don't know.



This is how they support the troops?

Oh Jesus. This is just... there are no words.

(Energy Dome tip to Yellow Dog Blog, who has a thing or two to say.)

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