A Wall Street Journal piece previews the challenges for Republicans in next year's gubernatorial races. "Republicans hold 28 seats overall, including 22 of the 36 up for election. In pivotal states such as Ohio, Florida, California and Colorado, they are girding for battles."It’s the math, is it? Well, okay…I guess I can see that.
"Republican gubernatorial struggles are only somewhat related to the party's other national problems: President Bush's weakened standing, policy setbacks, intraparty bickering and ethics scandals. At least eight Republican governors aren't seeking re-election because of term limits or other reasons." Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R), chairman of the Republican governor's association, "predicts Democrats could win between three to six of those seats."
Said Romney: "The math is not in our favor this cycle."
1 terrible GOP administration
+ 1 out of control GOP Congress
= FU2
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