Americans … say corruption in government will play a big role in their vote for Congress in November — more important than Social Security, taxes, abortion or immigration…Curiously, however, a “plurality predict both parties will be hurt equally by the inquiry into disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff..” That’s the problem with not fighting back and trying to play it safe. You stay close to the center, and you get tarred with the same brush. Just another reason to move left, where they should have been all along.
Among the findings:
— Most Americans say they're following news of the Abramoff scandal closely, and 53% call it a major scandal. Just 9% see it as "not a serious matter." (Related: Abramoff poll results)
— Corruption will be a voting issue in November, they say. Only the war in Iraq, terrorism and health care are cited more often as "extremely important" issues this year; 43% describe "corruption in government" that way. In comparison, 38% call the economy an extremely important issue.
— Attitudes toward the Republican congressional leadership have soured. By 50%-40%, those surveyed say the policies proposed by Republican leaders in Congress would move the country in the wrong direction. That's by far the worst showing since the GOP took control more than a decade ago.
— Attitudes toward Democrats are better, but not by much. Respondents split 44%-43% when asked whether the policies proposed by Democratic leaders would move the country in the right direction. By 44%-32%, those surveyed say congressional Democrats would do a better job of dealing with the issue of corruption.
— For the first time since 1994, a plurality of Americans say most members of Congress don't deserve re-election. The 42% who say most members do deserve re-election is the same as in the first USA TODAY survey of 1994.
Antsy America
A new USA Today/CNN/Gallup Poll finds that Americans are closely watching the lobbying scandal unfold—and aren’t happy with what they see.
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