Peter Daou:

GORE V. BUSH: If a tree falls in a forest... A former Vice-President of the United States delivers a major speech accusing George W. Bush of breaking the law. What do all three cable news nets cover under the "Breaking News" banner? An overturned tanker truck on a New York highway. THIS is the problem for the left. And as I've said a hundred times: if the Dem establishment doesn't go after the media institutionally, things simply will not change. It's astonishing to me that they haven't gotten it yet. The only other option is for the progressive netroots to organize and fight the media on its own, an uphill struggle, to say the least...
Seriously pathetic.

I swear to Jeebus if aliens landed on US soil with the express purpose of delivering to us an environmentally-friendly fuel source which could be utilized by our existing infrastructure and costing nary a penny to implement, Pat Robertson would give a speech on his own crackpot television show claiming the aliens were sent by God to slaughter us as retribution for homosexual deviance, Gore would give an important policy address about the environmental, economic, and national security benefits of the new fuel, and Robertson would get the fucking headline. That is, until Fox News pulled a single line out of Gore’s speech about how he once voted to fund an experimental extraterrestrial communications program, and report it as “Unstable Gore Says He Personally Invited Aliens.”

Meanwhile, Cheney would show up on Meet the Press gravely intoning that the aliens have ties to bin Laden, Bush would declare them a threat to national security, and we’d immediately be three weeks away from war.

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