"There will be a lot of hearings to talk about that, but that's good for democracy," he said. "Just so long as the hearings, as they explore whether or not I had the prerogative to make the decision I make, doesn't tell the enemy what we're doing. See, that's the danger."WTF is he babbling about? I’ll bet any one of the corn-fed, semi-literate, doped-up meth cooks in the small town I live in is smart enough not to discuss the goings-on at his trailer/lab over the blessed phone, and Bush thinks that people sophisticated and patient enough to take flying lessons so they can use airplanes as rockets might not be one step ahead of figuring out we’re listening in? For crying out loud.
“Just so long as the hearings don’t tell the American people what we’re doing,” is more like it, because terrorists don’t give a good shit whether he’s got a warrant or not—but the voters do.
In his opening remarks, he defended the global war on terrorism and the U.S. effort in Iraq. He said insurgents in Iraq were trying to drive the United States out through violence and bloodshed but he declared, "They're not going to shake my will."Ooh, the will of someone who sends other people off to die will not be shaken. Tough talk, Bonzo. You’ve really got a backbone of fucking steel.
While saying he wanted to bring American troops home, he said, "I don't want them to come home without achieving the victory."No word on what kind of peace, exactly, it will be—or how we’re going to determine precisely when “the victory” has been achieved. I guess “political expediency” doesn’t poll well, so it’s best to leave it up in the air.
In a question and answer session, Bush was asked about Iraq, education priorities, immigration, the economy, health care and other subjects. He said the war on terrorism would not end with an enemy surrender, as was the case in World War II. "I don't envision a signing ceremony on the USS Missouri," Bush said. "The peace won't be the kind of peace we're used to."
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