How does Gustavo Santaolalla not win for Best Score? I. Get. It. John Williams is a great composer blah blah blah. He doesn't need any more awards. And none of his scores have ever given me the shivers the way Santaolalla's did.
George Clooney thanks Jack Abramoff and makes a "Jack Off" joke. Funny.
Did Dennis Quaid call Brokeback Mountain a "dick flick"? WTF? No scenes of anything remotely gay in any clip of said dick flick. Aren't we all brave for celebrating a movie we're apparently slightly ashamed of.
Ryan Phillipe: Totally drunk. Rein it in, or you'll be watching the Globez with Chad Lowe next year.
How was CSI not nominated for anything? And why did they make William Peterson present with Pamela Anderson? What is Pamela Anderson even doing at the Golden Globes? Irony? Her dress was trying to strangle her.
S. Epatha rocks.
Why do all the conservative celebrities run for office? Ahnold, Clint Eastwood (borderline conservative), Ronald Reagan, Sonny Bono (borderline celebrity), etc. I think the liberals need to step up to the plate. Clooney/Robbins '08.
That is all.
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