The Kanab, Utah, City Council has seen fit to pass a non-binding resolution promoting the "natural family," the Salt Lake Tribune reports. The resolution (PDF on this page), big shock, "labels marriage between a man and a woman as 'ordained of God,' sees homes as 'open to a full quiver of children,' and envisions young women 'growing into wives, homemakers and mothers and ... young men growing into husbands, home builders and fathers.'" It was pitched to the council by the Sutherland Institute ("Adding Value to Utah"), a conservative think tank in Salt Lake City that's probably not wild about that city's mayor, and whose founder, Gaylord K. Swim, was actually named Gaylord K. Swim.There’s a lot to make my skin crawl there, but the phrase that seals the deal is “a full quiver of children,” for all the expected reasons having to do with treating women as little more than nonstop breeding machines, but also because I find the idea of children as arrows waiting to be shot out into the world like weapons against things like reproductive choice and gay rights rather disconcerting.
The very helpful provides some useful etymology—and while you’re there, be sure to pick up your copy of Birthing Gods Mighty Warriors, “a hard-hitting, scriptually [sic] based expose on the emotional, physical, and spritual [sic] damage caused by the secular idea of birth control.”
We are living in the last days. An anointed generation must come to earth to help prepare the way of the Lord. Many in this generation will be children.So, an anointed generation must come (future tense), and many of them will be children. Does QuiverFull know something about a new-fangled method of human reproduction that spawns full-fledged adults? Is there a covert plan to develop anointed robots? Maybe since they don’t know how to correctly spell “scriptural” or “spiritual,” I should just chalk this up to poor writing, rather than any mysterious scientific breakthroughs.
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