After a comment by Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) on Air America's Majority Report Wednesday evening, RAW STORY has learned that House Democrats are pushing the ethics committee to investigate allegations of congressional offices providing privleged information to Wall Street investors.Can we just impeach Congress? Let’s just throw everyone out of the Beltway and start over. John Conyers, you can stay.
On Air America, Slaughter alleged that "day traders" in the offices of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) and former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) had aided such investors. She mentioned as a specific example that individuals got advance notice that an asbestos bill was not going to emerge from the Senate (Audio here).
…Independently, RAW STORY has received word that such activity -- which involves passing on information to stock brokers on how the House is going to vote on legislation that affects large companies, such as Defense Appropriations bills -- is a practice that may go beyond a single individual or congressmember's office. Individuals on Capitol Hill have pointed to others already ensnared in the Abramoff probe as possibly having engaged in "day trading."
RAW STORY has acquired a letter sent by Rep. Brian Baird (D-WA) in November of last year to the House Ethics Committee requesting a formal investigation into the matter. Meghan O'Shaughnessy, Baird's press secretary, confirmed that the committee had received the letter but has not responded to the Democrats' request.
If I Were Martha Stewart, I’d Be Pissed
Oy squared.
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