Emphasizing the softer side of his agenda, President Bush went back to school Monday, touting rising test scores as proof that his education law is working…Someone needs to give him a reading comprehension test, methinks. Or maybe remedial math courses. Maybe he doesn’t understand the concept of “less than.”
Bush noted that scores are rising on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, a test considered a report card for the nation. In 2005, fourth-graders and eighth-graders posted their highest-ever math scores, and black and Hispanic children narrowed their achievement gap with whites in both math and reading.
"The system is working. That's what's important for people to understand," Bush said.
But the president did not mention some of the test's less flattering results. The fourth-grade reading performance was essentially flat, and in eighth grade, reading scores dropped.
Bush stopped in a fifth-grade class, accompanied by Spellings and first lady Laura Bush. He briefly took over the role of teacher, asking: "Anybody read more than they watch TV?" When some of the kids nodded that they did, he said: "That's good. That's really important."He then gulped and immediately used his Migo to contact Karl Rove, who issued instructions that televisions V-chipped to tune out every channel but Fox News be delivered to every child at North Glen Elementary.
Here’s a bonus picture from today’s news photos of Bush doing god-knows-what as he waits for Laura to board Air Force One with him.
Robot dance? Stepford mating ritual? I have no idea.
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