"The document released by my office yesterday went too far and I want to convey to you my personal regrets," Reid said in a letter.Whatfuckingever. I’m going back to bed.
"I am writing to apologize for the tone of this document and the decision to single out individual senators for criticism in it."
Reid came under attack Wednesday over the report, which was issued by his staff on Senate letterhead, even as he and fellow Democrats released ethics overhaul proposals.
"Researching, compiling and distributing what amounts to nothing more than a campaign ad on the taxpayers dime raises serious ethical questions," said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, one of the lawmakers named.
The 27-page report criticized Republican lawmakers over their ties to disgraced ex-lobbyist Jack Abramoff, questionable campaign contributions and other issues.
Nancy in NYC over at Big Brass Blog reports that after issuing a report entitled "Republican Abuse of Power," which singled out 33 Republican senators for various ethical violations, Harry Reid has apologized for going too far.
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