The born-again Christian has been taking photographs of construction workers working on the building and he told the New York Post he plans on taking down the license plate numbers of patrons and publishing their names in the local newspaper to embarrass them from again patronizing the store.Yeah, weren’t you in Bio-Dome? Shut the fuck up.
"We're going to notch it up and notch it up until we run this guy out of business," Baldwin told The Post.
The store will sell sex toys, porn and feature viewing booths where patrons can watch adult films in privacy.
"These guys want to do this business, God bless 'em. That's between them and God. They'll have to deal with that for eternity.”
Oh, a quick search of IMDb also reminds me you were in Threesome and The Sex Monster, and…what’s this?…the host of a show called In a New Light: Sex Unplugged. Jag.
I’d be more impressed if he went town to town pulling copies of The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas off of video store shelves. They have the capacity to do much more damage to the nation’s youth than one porn shop in Nyack. Do it for the children, Stephen!
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