what's that I hear?

Is it the whaaaaambulance? Why, yes, I believe it is. Who called the whaaambulance? That would the be whiners of the Poor Persecuted Me school in Murietta, California (otherwise known as Calvary Chapel Christian School).

The Evil Christian Haters of the University of California have not certified all of the classes at CCCS as educational enough to pass UC's academic muster. Since some of CCCS' classes are not certified by UC, they do not count for credit for admission to the university--and some students from CCCS are being denied admission.

So, of course, CCCS is suing the University of California for denying them their first admendment rights:

The civil rights lawsuit filed by Calvary Chapel alleges that the 10-campus University of California is trampling the freedom of "a religious school to be religious." UC rejected the content of courses such as "Christianity's Influence in American History" and "Christianity and Morality in American Literature."

In court documents, UC says the free-speech clause of the First Amendment gives it the right to set admission standards. "What we're looking for is this: Is the course academic in nature, or is it there to promote a specific religious lifestyle?" UC spokeswoman Ravi Poorsina says.

That sounds reasonable to me, don't you think? And, really, what did CCCS expect when they use textbooks produced by Bob Jones University that state in the science textbook:

"The people who have prepared this book have tried consistently to put the Word of God first and science second."

CCCS students (or others who have taken non-certified classes) can still gain admisson by using alternative paths to admission which including taking extra SAT tests in specific subjects to verify their knowledge.

CCCS is trying to argue the "who's next?" theory about Muslim schools or even homeschoolers. But that doesn't matter because in the end it's about if the classes are not adequately preparing a student for advanced education then they should not be considered for credit. I don't see anything remotely persecutional about that. Do you?

(cross-posted at expostulation)

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