Texas Court Won't Dismiss DeLay Charges
AUSTIN, Texas - The state's highest criminal court on Monday denied Rep. Tom DeLay's request that the money laundering charges against him be dismissed or sent back to a lower court for an immediate trial.
The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals denied the requests with no written order two days after he announced he was stepping down as House majority leader. DeLay had been forced to temporarily relinquish the Republican leadership post after he was indicted on money laundering and conspiracy charges in September.
DeLay, who denies wrongdoing, had been trying to rush to trial in Texas in hopes of clearing his name and regaining the position.
Simply stepping down isn't going to save your ass this time, Tommy-boy. It's about time that these criminals were held accountable for breaking the law and fucking over the American people. Now let's see some punishment.
Every time I read one of these articles, I hope and pray to see the words "plea bargain," because then you know he's screwed.
The trial court judge in December dismissed a conspiracy charge against DeLay but refused to throw out more serious allegations of money laundering. Prosecutors appealed that decision, and the judge decided not to proceed with the case until the appeal is resolved. It is still being considered by the 3rd Court of Appeals.
Prosecutors allege DeLay and two co-conspirators funneled $190,000 in corporate contributions through the Texas political committee and an arm of the National Republican Committee to seven GOP state legislative candidates.
Nothing would make me happier than to see this arrogant sonofabitch frogmarched all the way to his jail cell.
(You don't cross-post me, I'm not one of your many toys..)
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