I know, I know—I just did a redesign not too long ago. The truth is, I really liked the smoke-filled room thing we had going on, but, combined with nothing but shitty news lately, it was starting to feel a bit dreary, so I thought I’d better lighten things up.
A couple of notable changes: There are now (obviously) pictures of the regular Shakes contributors, with dropdown links to list of some of their best posts. (For the record, Paul hates that picture of himself, even though I love it, so it’s only a place holder until he provides me a new one.) And below that is a “Big Props” blogroll—logo links to contributors’ own blogs, guests’ blogs, and some other folks who have provided special support to me in one way or another. That list will no doubt expand just like the blogroll, so please don’t feel hurt if you think you ought to be there and aren’t. It’s not a finite list, and I certainly don’t intend to upset anyone in the process of trying to extend a thank-you to others.
The regular blogroll, archives, and media links are now in the upper right, and permalinks have been moved to the tops of posts—along with the post authors’ name.
As always, apologies to those not using IE; the spacing is a little funny in Firefox and Opera. But, according to my stats, IE users are still the majority, and I figured I might as well celebrate democracy as long as it lasts.
(I’ll get the comments matching again soon…)
Carry on, Shakers.
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