And people ask why I'm a feminist...

A sigh-heavy statement issued by Jessica at Feministing (who gets the hat tip for this one), a statement with which I can only concur with a sigh of my own.

One might say that has a wide array of shirts for the rapist or pedophile inside every man. But rest assured—they’re only joking. I mean, what are you? Some kind of humorless feminist who can’t take a joke? I bet you’ve got hairy legs and reek of patchouli and hemp, too. You’re just mad because no one wants to fuck you. Come on—“Rape is my favorite hobby” is funny. If you’re not laughing, you’re obviously just uptight. And if you’re a rape victim, well, hell, that’s your problem.

What’s the big deal? They’re just jokes. All of them. Every shirt making fun of rape and pedophilia is a joke. Why can’t you just see the humor? Yeesh.

In 2004, there were 209,880 victims of rape, attempted rape or sexual assaults according to the 2004 National Crime Victimization Survey. Because of the methodology of the National Crime Victimization Survey, these figures do not include victims 12 or younger. The Bureau of Justice's National Incident-Based Reporting System data from law enforcement agencies covering the years 1991 through 1996 showed that 34% percent of all victims of sexual assault reported to the participating law enforcement agencies were under age 12. One of every seven victims of sexual assault reported to the participating law enforcement agencies were under age 6.


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