Curious George on his Whirlwind Energy Tour

This series of photos from Bush’s tour of the National Renewable Laboratory in Golden, Colorado yesterday is totally cracking my shit up. And I know that when you’re the most photographed person in the world, there are inevitably going to be some unflattering pictures of you, but tell me if he doesn’t look like the dimmest doofus in every last one of these shots.

“I like big things. You got any big things around here?”

“Yeah, that’s pretty big. Got anything bigger?”

“This is big all right, but boy, it’s hot!
Maybe I shouldn’t touch the steam pipes, huh?”

“Cool. Heh heh. Whatcha got there, gringo?”

“Can you smoke this stuff?”

“I hate sciencifying.”

And here he is at Johnson Controls Battery Technology Center in Glendale, Wisconsin the day before.

“These thingies are weird. What are they?”

“These crazy little things is batteries! Can you believe it?”

“Wait—that’s a battery too? I just saw batteries.
This place is full of ‘em. Oh, right—Battery
Technology Center. I gitcha. Heh heh.”

And in Tampa, Florida on the 17th.

“And I was like, ‘Who does a preznit have to fuck
to see some goldarn batteries?’ So we’re going to
the Battery Technomology Center in a few days...”

“And I’m totally going to do the robot
dance at that battery place. Those battery
dudes will think it’s funny.”

Sigh. And for some extra smarty Bush fun, here’s one more recent picture followed by its actual caption.

President Bush reaches down to pick up a copper
cable used to protect a tree in the South Lawn
of the White House from lighting strikes, during
his return to the Oval Office, Wednesday,
Feb. 22, 2006, in Washington.
(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

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