A rehabilitation program at a church is facing allegations it forced people to work as telemarketers for 28 cents an hour under the threat they could go back to jail…So they were forced to work for no money with threat of punishment if they tried to leave. Yes, I do believe that’s called slavery. So why, exactly, is the Utah state Department of Human Services giving the House of Refuge “10 days to explain itself” before they revoke its license and shut the program down? And why, pray tell, is the door of the House of Refuge, who “wouldn’t let in” investigators, not being kicked down, even though the DHS doesn’t know if more of the men in the program are still left? And why, Martha-Ann, is the House of Refuge being given the opportunity to register its criminal telemarketing company as a business with the state before it’s shut down, instead of cuffing and hauling away its proprietors? Is it because they’re “good Christians?”
The men were sent to the program by judges or state agencies for substance abuse rehabilitation. A department report said they were paid about 28 cents an hour, but even those wages were withheld and donated to the church.
Whatever. I’m sure Planned Parenthood, or the Gay and Lesbian Task Force, or the NAACP would receive the same gracious treatment in the colossally unlikely event that they were ever disgusting enough to enslave their workers.
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