— Republican Senator and Vietnam war veteran Chuck Hagel
Also Cheney-related…Pensito Review notes:
On MSNBC’s Countdown Friday night, Keith Olbermann interviewed Texas defense attorney Charles Parnham who finally said what everyone watching the coverage of Vice President Dick Cheney’s hunting accident has been thinking:In other words, why the rigmarole if there wasn’t a good reason?
People whose imprudent behavior causes accidents are charged with criminal negligence every day…
Viewed from the perspective that Cheney was indeed endeavoring to cover up a crime after he shot Harry Whittington last week, his actions — waiting a day to call local authorities in investigate, not notifying the press, etc. — cease to be confusing.
Another interesting tidbit in the same post:
Meanwhile back at the ranch, after the ambulance left, the shooting party returns to the house for an open bar. According to Katherine Armstrong, “the vice president fixed himself a cocktail back at the house.”Good insurance in case the cops showed up with a breathalyzer. I wasn’t drinking earlier, officer—I just needed to calm my nerves after shooting a dude in the face.
(Hat tip Pam.)
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