The documents include one startling similarity to Washington's current atmosphere over disclosures of classified information by the media. Notes from a 1975 meeting between Cheney, then White House chief of staff, then-Attorney General Edward Levi and others cite the "problem" of a New York Times article by Seymour Hersh about U.S. submarines spying inside Soviet waters. Participants considered a formal FBI investigation of Hersh and the Times and searching Hersh's apartment "to go after (his) papers," the document said.But, gee, that’s not similar, is it? The president keeps assuring us the current program is “limited,” even though they refuse to quantify that nebulous term. They’re not using it to spy on dissenters, or journalists, though, surely not. There are no parallels. Damn the liberal media.
(Hat tip Agitprop.)
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