At least tens of thousands of veterans with non-critical medical issues could suffer delayed or even denied care in coming years to enable President Bush to meet his promise of cutting the deficit in half -- if the White House is serious about its proposed budget.T.Rex:
After an increase for next year, the Bush budget would turn current trends on their head. Even though the cost of providing medical care to veterans has been growing by leaps and bounds, White House budget documents assume a cutback in 2008 and further cuts thereafter.
And let's not forget that the Bush tax cuts would wipe out the deficit in and of themselves, so this is yet another example of Republicans, and President Bush, screwing soldiers and veterans for the sake of their rich friends.John in D.C.:
This is what happens when you have a president who launches wars of convenience on the wrong enemy without a plan for victory. You spend $300 billion the country doesn't have, then have to cut necessary services for patriotic Americans in order to pay for the failed war. Bush's mistakes come at a price.Not much I can add to that.
(Crossposted at AlterNet PEEK.)
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