Paris Hilton is thrilled to be playing Mother Teresa in an upcoming biopic.“Do those babies have flies on their faces? That’s hot.”
The hotel heiress has been approached by award-winning director T Rajeevnath, who is convinced that she will be a huge success…
Hilton explained, "It's such an honour. I'm so excited. I really want to learn more about this amazing woman, so that's what I'm doing in a few months."
In preparation for the role, Paris is apparently joining the Order of Mother Teresa missionaries, and will travel around Bangalore and Calcutta to care for the sick.
Like the desperately poor and infirm of Calcutta really need to have their lives futher worsened by the revolting presence of that ninny-brained waste of space.
On the other hand, if the idea is to make even the most poverty-stricken desperates appreciate their lives, sending a functionally illiterate heiress whose utter uselessness beggars belief to their bedsides is a pretty decent idea.
(Via Dlisted.)
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