The sources said the blacklist would mean a halt in any White House political or financial support of senators running for re-election in November.Not totally unexpected, considering that if even a couple of Republicans defect from La-La Land and seek asylum back in Realityville, finding that the president violated FISA, it could lead to impeachment proceedings. Nonetheless, it’s just appalling that this is what the actual state of our union has come to—a slimy, power-grubbing, unelected bastard strong-arming elected representatives of the people to ensure that the Man Who Would Be Dictator can continue to operate outside the law with impunity.
"It's hardball all the way," a senior GOP congressional aide said…
Over the last few weeks, Mr. Rove has been calling in virtually every Republican on the Senate committee as well as the leadership in Congress. The sources said Mr. Rove's message has been that a vote against Mr. Bush would destroy GOP prospects in congressional elections.
"He's [Rove] lining them up one by one," another congressional source said.
Mr. Rove is leading the White House campaign to help the GOP in November’s congressional elections. The sources said the White House has offered to help loyalists with money and free publicity, such as appearances and photo-ops with the president.
Those deemed disloyal to Mr. Rove would appear on his blacklist.
Here’s a tip to spineless Republicans considering collapsing to their knees and sucking Rove’s dick yet again: Call Bush on his bullshit, and you won’t need appearances and photo-ops with him in the fall. You’ll be able to hold your head up high and tell your constituents that you held a lawbreaker accountable.
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