South Dakota—Abortion ban passed
Mississippi—Poised to pass abortion ban almost identical to South Dakota’s.
Missouri—State Supreme Court has upheld today the state law requiring a 24-hour waiting period for abortions; has filed a bill to ban nearly all abortion in the state.
Indiana—Indiana General Assembly set to vote next year on abortion ban.
Kentucky—Currently considering a bill to strengthen the state’s “informed consent” law, which requires counseling and a 24-hour waiting period.
Oklahoma—Currently considering a bill which would require abortion clinics to offer women an ultrasound before undergoing the procedure.
Utah—Close to passing a bill requiring pregnant teens to obtain parental consent before obtaining an abortion.
West Virginia—Considering legislation giving pharmacists the right to refuse to fill prescriptions for emergency contraceptives.
Georgia—Slated to consider a slew of abortion restrictions, including a bill that accords an embryo the same legal standing as the pregnant woman herself, a bill that allows pharmacists to refuse to fill prescriptions for emergency contraceptives, and a bill which would force women seeking abortions to have a sonogram or ultrasound.
Tennessee—Considering a bill requiring notification.
Alabama—Considering full abortion ban.
Massachusetts—Governor Mitt Romney says he would support a ban in South Dakota’s mold if it were brought before him.
I don’t even think that list is comprehensive. It also covers only what’s currently being considered, to the exclusion of the myriad of state laws which have already been passed in various states requiring notification, waiting periods, counseling, etc.
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