I've got to steal an intro once employed by the always-sassy Some Watery Tart for this one: Bush Gall Soars to New Heights of Impertinence, Spelunks New Caverns of What-the-Fuckism.
At yesterday's—gasp!—unscripted Q&A session after an appearance in Cleveland (during which Holly of The Moderate Voice, who was listening to it live, emailed me to comment, "I am listening online to GWB's speech in Cleveland. He is NOT getting softball questions and is goofing up."), Bush made a faux pas that was a doozy even for him. Annoyed with the length of the Q&A session—and dare I suggest irritated at having to suffer face time with incontrovertible evidence that he isn't as popular as he likes to think—he blurted out, "Anybody work here in this town?"
Think Progress (who's got the video) notes that Cleveland's unemployment rate, as well as its poverty rate, have worsened considerably under Bush's presidency, prompting the quip: "So the answer, Mr. President, is that a lot of people in Cleveland don’t work because they can’t find jobs."
Double oof.
(The hat tip goes to Griffin at 300 Dollar Wonder. Crossposted at AlterNet PEEK.)
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