Friday Blogrollin'

Stop by and say hi to:

Delusions of Mediocrity

300 Dollar Wonder

Mikhaela’s News Blog


Nice Shoes, Wanna Fock?

Fetch Me My Axe

Activist Monkey

You might also have noticed a couple of other changes. I switched around the layout just a bit; Big Props are now on the opposite side of the page, and I’ve managed to get a few more blogs added (including T. Rex’s Guide to Life, Science & Politics, and Pime Forest Collective—all longtime friends, long overdue for inclusion). I’ll be adding more when my lazy and busy arse gets around to it…

Also the contributors list has been updated with the gorgeous mugs of Misty, Litbrit, Waveflux, and the Wonder Twins. And D. has been removed, not because we don’t still love him, but because between moving to a new state and starting a new job, he doesn’t have a lot of time for blogging at the moment. He will, however, always be welcome, should his time free up again in the future.

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