Friday Cat Blogging: Part II

This is what Matilda and Olivia do all friggin’ day, in an ongoing effort to drive me totally berserk. They chase each other all over the house, which sounds like a herd of elephants rather than two cats, and inevitably end up in this crappy, broken-down beach chair that I leave set up in spite of its hideous ugliness because it’s their favorite lounging spot and because it keeps them from crawling all over me, which is what they resort to immediately if the beach chair is moved more than two feet away from mine. It’s annoying, but hilarious.

Then, it’s grooming time. After nine gazillion hours of wrestling with each other, they curl up in the beach chair and lick each other like they’re making a porno for at least seven gazillion more hours. Until Mr. Shakes gets home, at which time, the mania begins again, and lasts until bedtime, when licking resumes.

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