
Giuliani, huh?

Looking ahead to 2008: Rudy Giuliani (R), Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) "continue to be the most popular candidates in their respective party primaries," according to the latest Fox News poll.

Among Democrats, Clinton continues to be the clear choice as their party's presidential nominee with the support of 43% of registered Democrats -- "outdistancing by about 30 points potential competitors such as former Vice President Al Gore (12%), former Sen. John Edwards (11%) and Sen. John Kerry (10%).

Among Republicans, Giuliani remains the front-runner and edges out McCain by 7 points (29% to 22%). Other possible GOP contenders receive support in the single digits; former Rep. Newt Gingrich comes in at 8% and Sen. Bill Frist is backed by 5%.
(To be clear, this was a telephone poll of 900 voters nationwide, not an online poll or something else that would have primarily tapped into Fox viewers.)

It’s interesting that Giuliani is taking the lead. I suspect when conservatives find out that he’s pro-choice and pro-gay rights, however, they might change their minds. Unless he changes his on those issues, which wouldn’t be entirely unexpected, but would make his life rather difficult as a national candidate. Pictures like this won’t help, either:

That picture actually makes me like him more, but that’s only one of many differences between me and conservative voters.

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