holy insane wingnut, batman!

If you thought Shrub&Co. were a wee bit too Dominionist (or Dominionist-comfy) for your taste, check out this crazy mofo—Larry Kilgore. He makes Rick Perry, the gov. he’s looking to unseat, look like a liberal. No, really, check this shit out:

My first priority as governor will be to submit to Biblical law given to us by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. My job, according to 1st Peter 2:14, will be to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.

From his site, he gives us a handy dandy guide to the governor’s race and where he stands on the issues. Let’s take a look, shall we:

* Execution for crime of murder including abortion
* Execution for crime of adultery
* Execution for crime of homosexual acts
* 1-40 lashes for crime of maliciousness, like graffiti, porn, strip clubs
* Eliminate TX budget for government indoctrination of children. (public education)
* Illegal immigrants should receive a minimum punishment of five lashes, $3,000 fine & deportation

And many more, most including execution. But he does say that “a vigilante should be prosecuted. Civil magistrates are God’s ministers to execute wrath”. So don’t say he didn’t warn you now.

Yes, he does have endorsements and he also has a nifty FAQ where you can equally be amused and slightly horrified with items like this:

The US Supreme court has ruled that Texas cannot prosecute adulterers, sexual perverts and murderers of preborn babies. How do you plan to prosecute the perpetrators?

Option #1) The US has a system of checks and balances. If the supreme court makes a ruling contrary to God’s law, then the president can choose not to enforce that ruling. I will ask the president not to send in troops when Texas prosecutes these criminals.

Option #2) I will uphold the current Constitution and sovereignty of the Republic of Texas and propose withdrawal from the corporation titled “The United States of America.”

One thing you can say though, he’s honest. He’s very opposed to the war in Iraq (because, well, the TX National Guard needs to fight for secession), he calls abortion regulations “a lie” (just a front for the real agenda), and he thinks democracy and terrorism are one and the same (no word on how his new Country of Texas will be run…). Nothing on non-christians, though an execution with a few lashes beforehand is probably on order. The creepy thing is that this guy states he got 30% of the vote when he ran in ‘93.

Oh, hey, in case you were wondering if you were a good enough person to get to heaven—he has a little internet quiz on his homepage for you to take. How thoughtful of him. (UPDATE: I forgot to add this last night, there are abortion images on the bottom of his homepage, just so you know about scrolling down all the way.)

Karl Marx is to have said that “religion is the opiate of the masses”. I think Larry here has OD’d.

(to the cross-post, let's go!)

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