I may officially be out of clever new ways to say “Bush is a wanker.”

At least for today. So here it is, straight: Bush is a wanker.

Bush wants Congress to create a program to allow foreigners to gain legal status in the United States for a set amount of time to do specific jobs. When the time is up, they would be required to return home without an automatic path to citizenship.

Bush said Thursday that his message is: "If you are doing a job that Americans won't do, you're welcome here for a period of time to do that job."

…"When we discuss this debate, it must be done in a civil way," Bush said after he, Vice President Dick Cheney and top strategist Karl Rove met with groups who are allied with him in the debate. "It must be done in a way that brings dignity to the process. It must be done in a way that doesn't pit people against another."
Okay, first, let’s tackle the garbled mess into which the president has turned the English language yet again.

1. We don’t “discuss a debate.” We debate an issue.

2. We don’t “bring dignity” to a debate. We debate in a dignified manner.

3. A debate which does not “pit people against [one] another” is, by definition, not a debate. If everyone’s on the same side, there’s no debate. So, either he’s suggesting that everyone must be on his side (which would be typical), or what he’s trying (and failing) to say is that the debate must be civil, which he already said. Ergo, he’s either being an authoritarian prick or redundant, possibly both.

All right. Now let’s just all take a moment and have a good laugh that this president:

…whose aforementioned veep told a senator on the senate floor to go fuck himself and shot a dude in the face, and whose aforementioned top strategist has designed campaigns such as the one which cast a competitor’s adopted Bangladeshi daughter as an illegitimate black child…

…let’s all have a good laugh indeed that this president has the temerity to lecture anyone about civility.


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