I’m liking Feingold more and more.

In an AP article discussing the split between establishment Dems and the Democratic base over Feingold’s censure resolution (two Senators are in support of Feingold—Harkin and Boxer—while a Newsweek poll found that 60% of Democrats support the resolution), Feingold makes a very important point in response to the array of elected Dems and Dem strategists who have asserted his action will help energize Republicans:

"These Democratic pundits are all scared of the Republican base getting energized, but they're willing to pay the price of not energizing the Democratic base," he said. "It's an overly defensive and meek approach to politics."

Mr. Feingold, I present you with the first ever Shakespeare’s Sister Golden Balls Award.

Go forth, and spread your message of ballsiness across the land, sir.

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