Today, I read that Dr. Rick Scarborough, founder and president of Vision America, acting chairman of The Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration, and conference keynote speaker along with U.S. Senator John Cornyn, will also unveil his new book at MartyrCom: Liberalism Kills Kids.
"Liberalism Kills Kids" is a groundbreaking work which documents the devastating failure of America's 40-year experiment with liberal statism. From the deaths of 44 million unborn children, to skyrocketing rates of out-of-wedlock births, to the divorce epidemic, to the destructive demands of the movement to normalize homosexuality -- the book exposes a cultural coup d'etat that has left our families gasping for air.Although claiming that abortions kill children isn’t exactly groundbreaking in its irritating yet tiresomely familiar mendacity, the assertion that children born out of wedlock, witness their parents’ divorces, or come out of the closet apparently drop dead is, I admit, some admirable trailblazing lunacy. Then again, maybe Dr. Scarborough isn’t suggesting that those things quite literally kill kids, but Liberalism Provides for Nontraditional Family Structures I Don’t Like isn’t quite as catchy a title.
"Liberalism Kills Kids" indicts many of the same forces to be discussed at the War On Christians conference -- Hollywood, the news media, the judiciary and organizations like the ACLU, which -- in the guise of promoting civil liberties -- are demolishing the social order.Oh, I see. Demolishing the social order. That isn’t really the same as killing kids, is it? There are plenty of things that have the capacity to actually kill kids in America—endemic poverty leading to malnutrition/starvation, lack of access to affordable healthcare (including cutting-edge treatments and drugs), corporate irresponsibility and lax environmental regulations, guns, the kind of opportunistic hatemongering that plays on prejudices and can spiral into hate crimes which leave gay teenagers hanging dead on fences, just for a start. Curiously, what all those things have in common is that they wouldn’t make a good fit with the title Liberalism Kills Kids. I’m sure there’s a more appropriate title, but, gosh, it’s just escaping me at the moment.
(Crossposted at Ezra’s place.)
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