Members of the Triumph Learning and Worship Center for Life in Saraland, Alabama, want to share what they're calling a miracle.
The church was flooded by Hurricane Katrina; causing some drywall in the building to buckle into an image that church members believe is an image of Jesus on the cross.
The church hung a picture frame up around the mark. People line up every day to touch it, and several people claim they've been healed.
Jesus is ripped.
Even though I’m soulless heathen, I kinda believe in that healing stuff, because one time, George Michael’s leather jacket from the Faith video was touring malls across America, and my friend Megan, who’s like a crazy George Michael nut, went and saw it, and touched it, and then, after I touched her, I had this irresistible urge to solicit sex in public restrooms. I’m just saying.
Many thanks to Misty for passing this along, because she knows how much I adore holy folks presenting their images on sheet metal, trees, more trees, wardrobes, water stains, grilled cheese sandwiches, potato chips, plates of pasta, and other junk.
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