Question of the Day

Mr. Shakes and I are often implored to tell the story of how we met, since it is a bit unusual (though increasingly less so), and friends who know the camping story below often request that it we tell it in groups where there are people we've just met. (That and The Story of the Lost Engagment Ring, which I'll save for another time.)

And each time I was introduced to one of Mr. Shakes' friends for the first time, I was regaled with two sets of stories: 1) Drunken Exploits; 2) Important Things Mr. Shakes Has Lost.

Mr. Shakes, meanwhile, has heard variations of the "Melissa-Barely-Spoke-Until-She-Was-14" Story from all of my old friends, and the "There's Something on Your Butt" Story, about my creepiest coworker ever, about a thousand times.

Is there a story that you're always asked to tell about yourself by family and friends, or that they like to tell about you?

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