
Mere hours after posting on the dopey routine the Dems pulled in Illinois, I get a dispatch from Howard Dean at Cannibal Headquarters, enthusing about the “the next big step in the 50-State Strategy.” Wait for it:

Never before has our party been more organized in advance of an election.
Probably true, which makes it all the scarier—yet, in my current state of abject disillusionment, I still find it howlingly funny.

April 29th will be the Democratic Party's first-ever National Neighbor-to-Neighbor Organizing Day. We're going to test our organization and build new relationships among volunteers with door-knocking events in communities across America.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but perhaps part of this clever strategy could have been not pissing off the ready-made volunteers working on behalf of candidates like Hackett and Cegelis.

And from there, it’s on to treating me like an ATM.

We estimate that we need to print 500,000 pieces of literature to cover these events. With the cost of printing, plus the cost of shipping, staff time and logistics to make these events happen, we need an investment of $107,000 by Monday in order to kick-start this program.

Can you contribute something right now to help make this unprecedented program a reality?
No, actually, I can’t. (If you can, however, go here.) I can volunteer my time, though—but I’ll have to wait to find out how to do that until next week, apparently. Which means…what? They don’t have the people already in place to distribute the flyers? I acknowledge it’s kind of a catch-22; they need to raise the money to make sure they can get the flyers printed and hence have a need for volunteers, but what if they raise the money and then don’t have enough volunteers? Do the flyers—and the money—go to waste? Do they collect the money, then try to get volunteers, and then if they’re unsuccessful, the money gets redirected elsewhere? How is this whole thing working? Why do I always feel like asking too many questions is frowned upon?

Pam's got some thoughts, too.

Anyway, here are the flyers, allegedly coming soon to a doorknob near you.


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