Sunday Morning Fun

As Misty notes below, Russ Feingold told George Stephanopoulos that he plans to introduce a resolution to censure President Bush tomorrow. I’m more and more impressed with Feingold every time I hear him speak.

Frist says Feingold is “dead wrong” and responds with fearmongering, including the old Feingold’s-helping-the-terrorists canard. Video; transcript.

George Allen does the abortion two-step on Meet the Press; LeMew’s got a great response.

Chris Matthews offers more support for the theory that he may well be the biggest plonker in the history of talking-head plonkers:

Matthews, moments ago:

George W. Bush won the presidency by a big popular vote victory by modern standards in 2004!
Yeah? Let's go to the tape:

1988: George H.W Bush wins by 7,077,121 votes.
1992: Bill Clinton wins by 5,805,256 votes.
1996: Bill Clinton wins by 8,201,370 votes.
2000: George W. Bush wins by negative 543,816 votes.
2004: George W. Bush wins by 3,012,499 votes.

So Bush racked up only the second lowest popular vote win of the past five elections. But that's okay: we can't expect Matthews to know everything. And a general understanding of how recent elections compare to each other is the sort of meaningless trivia a professional pundit shouldn't have to bother with.

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