(All bolds mine)
Both sides of the debate over illegal immigration were bracing today for a massive march and rally, a multi-cultural mobilization expected to draw tens of thousands of protesters to the Loop in support of more humane immigration laws.
Busloads of immigrants from Mexico, Poland and Ireland streamed this morning to Union Park, at Ashland Avenue and Washington Boulevard on the city's West Side. Shortly after noon, they stepped off on a two-mile march to Federal Plaza, 230 S. Dearborn St., for a 2 p.m. rally.
Anticipating the big turnout, critics of illegal immigration held a preemptive news conference this morning in Grant Park. They predicted the rally would backfire on its organizers, stoking the anger of other Chicagoans that illegal immigrants were arrogant enough to demand increased rights.
I'm amazed they didn't use the word "uppity."
Sandra Gunn, government relations field associate for the Washington-based Federation for American Immigration Reform, said she hoped politicians would ignore the "display of arrogance and intimidation" from protesters who she said flout immigration laws. "It is our voices that they must heed," Gunn said.
Carmen Mercer, vice president of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, a national volunteer group opposed to illegal immigration, said the marchers were undercutting the interests of legal immigrants who play by the rules. She also said the threat of terrorism makes immigration enforcement more critical.
"We don't want another 9-11," said Mercer, a legal immigrant from Germany. "That is why we are demanding that our government secure our borders."
It always comes back to that, doesn't it?
Right now, I'm watching hundreds and hundreds of people streaming past my office. They're being dropped off by the busload in the grocery store parking lot. I'm really, really hoping that this doesn't get violent.
(Oh-oh-oh-oh... little China cross-post...)
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